Gorse and Weed Drone Spraying Auckland

Agricultural Drone Weed Spraying

Weed Control with Precision Drone Technology. Drones are being increasingly used in the agricultural sector for weed control. Drone Weed Control with Precision Targeting Technology. 

Our Drone (UAV) spraying system is the answer to controlling hard-to-reach weeds. Spray application for pasture and crops is quick and simple with Drone Spraying.With full GPS tracking, Lidar Sensors for height tracking, Mission Planner pre-flight programming for Automated flight, and full telemetry logging for flight and application tracking. These features ensure complete coverage, target-ability of specific areas, as well as full reconciliation of flights completed.Weed management for landowners from lifestyle blocks, to farming/horticultural blocks, to Council environments. Our services can cater to all.
  • Accurate application of chemicals using GPS tracking
  • Efficient Weed Eradication
  • Target Plants Sprayed Easily
  • Low Noise Application
  • Energy Efficient
  • Low Environmental Impact
  • Efficient Use of Chemicals
  • Real-Time Flight Planning
  • More Time Targeting Weeds
  • Access to weeds in waterways

Pest plants are invasive plants that invade the native habitat, and waterways of other plants. These invasive plants can be both native and non-native to the area, but they all have some negative impact on the environment.

Invasive plants can grow quickly, spread their seeds far, and change habitats in a way that makes it difficult for other species to thrive and grow.

Here is a list of some common pest plants found in New Zealand. Many of these also find a foot hold in New Zealand Waterways, ponds, and lagoons.

Drone Spraying Gorse: Many consider gorse to be New Zealand's worst scrub weed.

Agapanthus : A South African flower that competes with natives. It is very hard to get rid of because of how well it seeds and how tough the plant is to remove.

Blue morning glory : A tropical plant that grows very fast and smothers other plants. It is a high climbing vine that can become the dominant vine wherever it grows.

Didymo : An introduced alga that is also known as 'rock snot'. It is a huge threat to New Zealand rivers. It was first discovered in the South Island of New Zealand in 2004 and started a very large campaign to stop it from spreading further.

Gorse : Introduced to New Zealand by early European settlers for hedges and windbreaks. It is now the most expensive weed in New Zealand to control.

Old man's beard : Can climb as high as 20 meters to cover a canopy and smother other plants. It also stops native plant seedlings from growing.

Privet : An evergreen shrub or tree with poisonous berries that invades the bush by crowding out native trees.

Woolly Nightshade: A common weed, poses significant challenges to native flora. Its rapid spread and growth can cause extensive damage to the environment

Wilding pine: The New Zealand name for conifers that have been introduced to New Zealand. They spread very quickly through our native habitats, killing native plants and forcing native animals to leave.






Japanese Honeysuckle

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